KAESER Kompressoren -  Energieberatung Coburg

KAESER Kompressoren Inc.

For KAESER Kompressoren, a business and technical review of the energy purchase conditions and consulting services for energy consumption reduction were carried out. After completion of the work, an energy concept with numerous recommendations for action was available.

Key data

KAESER Kompressoren GmbH

Kaeser Kompressoren is a leading global manufacturer of compressed air products and provider of services. The services include compressed air generation, compressed air treatment and compressed air distribution.

Industry sector

Mechanical Engineering

Project location

Coburg and Gera

Target group

Industrial companies

KAESER Kompressoren - Energieberatung Coburg

Let us help you to reduce your energy costs

We would be happy to analyse the possibilities to reduce your energy consumption and your energy costs.


We will create an energy concept for you to realize your savings potential. The concept we will then implement together with you.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Bernhard Negele

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