Städtisches Kommunalunternehmen Baiersdorf - Nahwärmeverbund Baiersdorf - Heizzentrale

Municipal enterprise Baiersdorf

By setting up a heating network with wood gasifier, several buildings in Baiersdorf are supplied with environmentally friendly district heating from wood pellets and renewable electricity is fed into the public grid. In this way, around 65,000 litres of heating oil can be saved annually in the municipal properties alone.

Key data

Städtisches Kommunalunternehmen Baiersdorf

SK-Baiersdorf is the result of the merger of Stadtwerke Baiersdorf and Baiersdorfer Kommunalunternehmen (BAIKU) and takes over important municipal tasks such as the supply of electricity, natural gas or district heating.

Industry sector

Energy suppliers

Project location


Target group

Municipalities, public utilities, public sector

Städtisches Kommunalunternehmen Baiersdorf - Nahwärmeverbund Baiersdorf - Heizzentrale - Wärmeverbund Baiersdorf - Holzvergaser - eta Energieberatung

Terms of reference

In order to further anchor climate protection in the urban area, the municipal utility Baiersdorf (SK-B) commissioned eta Energieberatung to carry out a project study at the end of 2017. For the local secondary school and surrounding buildings (including residential buildings) it had to be shown how a sustainable heat supply can be set up in a heating network.

Wärmeverbund Baiersdorf Bautafel groß

Let us help you to realize your concepts!

We would be happy to advise you on the planning of your heating and accommodation concepts. In doing so, we will also tell you what specific opportunities you have to take advantage of the corresponding subsidy programmes.

Together with you, we will then also implement the concept.

Call me without obligation or send me an e-mail.

Kathrin Merkert

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