As part of the company’s internal sustainability strategy, the company is expanding its existing energy supply with several wood gasification CHP units, biomass boilers, a large buffer storage and several PV systems. The aim is to generate climate-friendly and renewable electricity and heat to supply the company’s own production halls.

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Haag and Hammerberg are districts of the town of Marktredwitz and are to be supplied with local heating. The area under consideration consists of about 5 existing properties and a planned new development area with about 50 plots and predominantly single-family houses.

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In order to improve the profitability and efficiency of the heating network, Fernwärme Engelsberg GmbH commissioned systematic operational optimisation by eta Energieberatung at a very early stage of the project.

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In the preceding project study, eta Energieberatung GmbH compared different variants of district heating supply. In the following project steps, the planning services for the implementation of the heating network were provided.

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