Biomasse-Heizkraftwerk Fechenheim - Energieberatung  Fechenheim

Biomass CHP Fechenheim

Through eta Energieberatung a sustainable concept for a secure procurement of fuel assortments was developed and a regional market overview was created. In addition, a profitability analysis and a sustainability assessment was carried out.

Key data

BKF Biomasse-Kraftwerk Fechenheim GmbH

Power plant operator

Industry sector

Power generation

Project location


Target group

Investors, public authorities, energy suppliers

Biomasse-Heizkraftwerk Fechenheim - Energieberatung Fechenheim

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Andreas Reichel

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