Biomasse-Heizwerk Engelsberg - Energieberatung Engelsberg

Biomass heating Engelsberg

In Engelsberg, a biomass heating plant with a capacity of 1,700 kW and a district heating network with a route length of approx. 7,400 m and 180 heat transfer stations were built. In order to improve the economy and efficiency of the heating network, Fernwärme Engelsberg GmbH commissioned a systematic operational optimisation by eta Energieberatung GmbH from Pfaffenhofen a.d. Ilm at a very early stage of the project.

Key data

Fernwärme Engelsberg GmbH

The municipal company was founded in 2010. The purpose of the company is the construction and operation of a district heating network and a biomass plant (wood chips) in Engelsberg.

Industryal sector

Local authorities and public institutions

Project location

Community Engelsberg

Target group

Local authorities and public institutions

Key words 

Local/district heating, heating network, biomass heating plant, operational optimisation, feasibility study, optimisation of ongoing operations, fuel assortments and qualities, optimisation of heat supply contracts, energy audit, primary energy factor for district heating, subsidies.

Wärme aus Biomasse - Engelsberg - eta Energieberatung

Customer benefits

Implementation of an optimised concept for the generation and distribution of heat from biomass; cost savings through operational optimisation


From 2012 to 2013, a biomass heating plant with a capacity of 1,700 kW (conventional peak and reserve system 2,000 kW) and a district heating network with a route length of about 7,400 m and 180 heat transfer stations were built in Engelsberg. From 2014 onwards, the biomass heating plant and the district heating network were optimised during operation by eta Energieberatung.

The systematic optimisation of operations by eta Energieberatung GmbH has brought us a very big step closer to our goal of being able to offer a sustainable, secure, regional and environmentally friendly heat supply for our Engelsberg citizens at a price that works in the market. We are pleased that we can make a functioning contribution to the energy transition in the Free State of Bavaria and in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Martin Lackner
Erster Bürgermeister von Engelsberg

Wärme aus Biomasse - Bürgermeister Lackner Engelsberg

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of biomass heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Matthias Schäfer

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