Conversion of a waste incineration plant
At the power plant site, a waste incineration line was converted to biomass operation (wood combustion). The entire conception and planning of the biomass cogeneration plant was carried out by eta Energieberatung.
Key data
Stadtwerke Landshut
The public utilities supply the city of Landshut with electricity, natural gas, water or district heating. Our city and school bus lines, multi-storey car parks, the public swimming pool and sewage disposal are also operated by the Landshut public utilities.
Industry sector
Municipal companies, energy suppliers
Project location
Target group
Energy suppliers public sector
Let us help you to realize your concepts
We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of biomass heating plants.
We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.
Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.
Matthias Schäfer