Energiewende - Energieberatung Kommunen

Large battery storage for grid services

To increase supply security and grid stability in their supply area, SWM is planning to use two large battery storage facilities in the Munich area. The project is being realised with the support of eta Energieberatung, from the initial idea to the implementation.

Key data on the project

Stadtwerke München

Stadtwerke München (SWM) is one of the largest public utilities in Germany. For many decades, SWM has stood for a secure and resource-saving supply of energy (electricity, natural gas, district heating) and fresh drinking water from the Bavarian foothills of the Alps to the Bavarian metropolis.
In addition to energy generation and water production, their services also include network management, energy/water distribution and sales.

Industry sector

Public utilities

Project location


Target group

Energy Utilities


Battery storage, security of supply, grid stability, control power, primary control power, site selection, feasibility study, economic efficiency calculations, permit application

Customer benefits

Increase of the project benefit by integrating the consulting competence of eta Energieberatung GmbH

Large-scale storage SWM - Battery storage

Technical data

  • Stationary large battery storage systems with a capacity of 10 MW and 100 MW

Terms of reference

The SWM are creators of the energy turnaround with the goal of producing as much green electricity in their own plants by 2025 as Munich needs. Due to the increasing number of decentralised and regenerative plants, the demands on the networks are rising. At the same time, SWM have a responsibility to ensure uninterrupted supply, even in times of change. Against this background, it is necessary on the one hand to make our own network more secure and on the other hand to contribute to the stability of the distribution networks.

In order to increase supply security and network stability in their supply area, SWM are therefore planning to use two large battery storage facilities in the Munich area. The project is being implemented with the support of eta Energieberatung GmbH, from the initial idea to the final implementation.

Scope of services

The scope of services essentially relates to:

  • Support in site selection and site assessment
  • Implementation of the feasibility study
  • Design and planning of the technology
  • Conception of the installation
  • Discussions with producers and project partners
  • Preparation of the profitability calculations
  • Technical monitoring of the financing discussions
  • Discussions with experts and authorities
  • Preparation of the necessary permit application 

Energy generation is changing towards decentralised and regenerative plants. This increases the demands on the grids. To ensure grid stability and security of supply, we need thermal and electrical energy storage systems.

Andreas Reichel
Power Generation and Power Distribution Division

eta-Experte Herr Reichel

We help you to realise your concepts!

We would be pleased to advise you on the solution of your questions regarding the planning or optimisation of battery/energy storage systems.

We will also find the customised solution for you.

Call me without obligation or send me an e-mail.

Shiliang Zhao

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