Gutachten - Machbarkeitsanalysen - Energieberatung Industrie

Stadtwerke Neuburg - Local heating expertise

The existing heating network of the town of Neuburg a.d. Donau can already supply a large part of the town with local heating. The customers include industrial and commercial customers, public institutions and residential buildings. In addition, it is possible to connect new heat customers. The heat is generated by using industrial waste heat, combined heat and power through natural gas cogeneration plants and natural gas peak load boilers.

Within the framework of a comprehensive expert opinion in the field of local heating, eta Energieberatung examined key aspects of economic efficiency and emissions. The resulting findings can be used to optimise and expand the entire heating network system.

Keydata on the project

Stadtwerke Neuburg a.d. Donau

Stadtwerke Neuburg an der Donau is a company owned by the town of Neuburg a.d. Donau and is active in the fields of energy, mobility and leisure.

Industrial sector

Municipalities and public institutions

Project location

City of Neuburg a.d. Donau

Target group

Municipalities and public institutions with heating networks


Expert opinion, economic efficiency, cost comparison, CO2 balancing, optimisation, consulting, heating network, CHP, combined heat and power plant, waste heat, natural gas

Customer benefits

Independent expert opinion on local heating supply with optimisation measures in the areas of economic efficiency and sustainability.

Task and scope

The aim of the project was to prepare an independent expert report to review the local heating division of the municipal utility in Neuburg an der Donau.

The scope of services for the preparation of the expert opinion essentially comprised:

  • Presentation and assessment of investment costs
  • Analysis of operational and consumption-related costs
  • Preparation of a dynamic economic efficiency calculation
  • Review and plausibility check of internal cost and service allocations
  • Comparison of cost structures and heat sales prices with similar projects
  • Simulations and evaluations of the heating network and the heat generators
  • Preparation of a comprehensive carbon footprint
  • Preparation of a business plan
  • Developing recommendations for action and optimisation measures


The independent report prepared by eta Energieberatung and the findings were the basis for optimisation measures that can ensure the economic efficiency and sustainability of the heat supply. Thus, an important basis for future decisions of the municipal utility of Neuburg an der Donau was created.

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of biomass heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Matthias Schäfer

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