BHKW - Energieberatung München

Rotkreuz Hospital Munich

The study identified interesting approaches to reduce energy costs. For example, it was recommended that sterilisation be switched to external steam supply. The use of a CHP is economical. This also allows the grid replacement power capacities to be expanded.

Key data

Rotkreuz Hospital Munich

The non-profit Rotkreuzklinikum München der Schwesternschaft München vom BRK e. V. is an academic teaching hospital of the TU Munich and offers 435 beds.

Industry sector

Hospitals and healthcare

Project location


Target group

Hospitals and nursing homes

Rotkreuzklinikum München - Energieberatung München

Let us help you to reduce your energy costs

We would be happy to analyse the possibilities to reduce your energy consumption and your energy costs.


We will create an energy concept for you to realize your savings potential. The concept we will then implement together with you.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Ernst Hellriegel

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