Stefan Heinl
Training/Additional Qualifications
- Law studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Professional skills
- Energy taxes
- Fee structure for architects and engineers (HOAI)
- Contract design
Work experience
- In-house lawyer of eta Energieberatung
- Lawyer in private practice specialising in private construction law and industrial property protection in the field of technical property rights and competition law
Example projects
- Handling projects related to energy law (e.g. third party quantity delimitation, EEG and energy tax)
- Handling court and out-of-court mandates in connection with the development, planning and construction of energy facilities, e.g:
- Negotiation and drafting of a heat supply contract between the operator of a biogas plant and the municipal utility company
- Complete draft of a plant construction contract for the construction of biogas plants with development of a staged acceptance adapted to the technical conditions
- Development and implementation of a comprehensive training for senior staff on the handling of the aforementioned plant construction contract.
- Representation in and out of court in intellectual property matters in the areas of special technical protection rights, design law and competition law (supplementary protection of intellectual property rights in the case of imitation of technical products).