Ancillary Energy Costs

Do you, like most people, find energy bills confusing and would like support with checking them? Then we can help you. We support you with our many years of expertise in utilising all potential for reducing ancillary energy costs. In our experience, customers only very rarely make full use of exemptions. We can help you to change this and save costs.

Benefit from energy law

The level of ancillary energy costs for electricity, gas and district heating (grid charges, taxes and levies) is regulated by law! This suggests that you have no possibility of intervening to influence your energy costs. However, there is a complex and lively body of legislation behind this, in which the legislator has defined exceptions and exemptions. In some cases, these can lead to refunds or reductions and/or exemptions from grid charges, taxes and levies.

There are various options for tax refunds for ancillary energy costs. In addition, there are reporting obligations in relation to some ancillary cost reductions, failure to comply with which has cost consequences. The focus is on all grid-bound energy sources (electricity, natural gas, district heating).

In many cases, the savings potential has not been fully utilised

The real challenge in reducing ancillary energy costs does not lie in the application process. Rather, a package of measures must be developed to achieve the exemptions and exemptions that have not yet been utilised. This requires the interaction of technology, law and the energy industry.

In most cases, legislative changes are already being planned, the effects of which should also be taken into account as early as possible.

Is a refund of ancillary energy costs also of interest to me?

Yes, and the range of possibilities is wide, even if some improvements are already being utilised. After all, it is only by taking a joint look at user behaviour, existing technology, purchasing conditions and current regulations (laws, ordinances, directives, judgements, etc.) that we can open up previously unused refunds or future savings for you or optimise your initial situation.

The range of energy costs for large industrial customers is extremely wide. This is only partly due to varying energy prices. Rather, the decisive factor is whether and to what extent you can utilise possible relief. In many cases, the legally regulated ancillary energy costs can be influenced. However, there is a complex and lively body of legislation behind this, in which the legislator has defined exceptions and exemptions. In some cases, these can lead to refunds or reductions and/or exemptions for the future in terms of grid charges, taxes and levies.

In our experience, these exceptions and exemptions are rarely utilised in full by customers. We support you in changing this.

What can we do for you?

We examine the extent to which all exemptions from ancillary energy costs are optimally utilised at each of your locations. It is essential to consider all regulations and options in conjunction with each other, as many things depend on and influence each other.

The real challenge in reducing ancillary energy costs does not lie in the application process, but rather in the development of a package of measures to achieve the exemptions that have not yet been utilised. This requires the interplay of various competences from technology, law and the energy industry.

The often enormous savings potential can also be achieved without investment, only by making the right applications, possibly in combination with technical measures. We not only propose measures, but also support you through to successful realisation (e.g. obtaining refunds or confirmation of exemptions).

Selected projects

We were able to significantly reduce energy costs for these industrial companies and thus achieve considerable savings. This was possible either through tax exemptions, refunds or favourable energy purchases. Often through a bundle of different measures.

We help you to reduce your ancillary energy costs

We would be happy to analyse what opportunities you have to reduce your ancillary energy costs.

We will draw up a concept for you to realise your savings potential, which we will then implement together with you.

Call me without obligation or send me an e-mail.

Stefan Heinl

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