Energy Supply Concepts

There are many different technologies and technology combinations for generating electricity, heating and cooling. Once decisions have been made, they determine the framework conditions for your energy supply and therefore your energy costs for a long time to come. We can help you with these complex decisions. Has your energy generation grown steadily and is it getting on in years? We can support you in optimising your existing systems or creating a new supply concept.

Secure long-term favourable energy generation

In contrast to short- and medium-term measures to reduce energy consumption and costs, it is above all the longer-term decisions regarding the provision of energy that are of decisive importance for a company's competitiveness.


In order to find the optimum supply concept for your company, various energy supply and distribution options are usually compared as part of a feasibility study.

A wide variety of technologies (e. g. hot water or steam boilers, gas turbine systems, steam cogeneration plants, ORC systems, micro gas turbines, wood gasifiers with downstream CHP units) and fuels (natural gas, biogas, heating oil, vegetable oil, biomass, pellets, etc.) can be considered for energy generation.

We will help you to find the optimum concept for your specific situation and thus ensure a reliable and cost-effective energy supply in the long term.


When creating a supply concept, the basic structure of the energy supply is reconsidered.

The aim is to ensure a secure and long-term cost-optimised supply of the required energy (heating/process heat, steam, cooling, compressed air, etc.). The investment in this pays off, as supply concepts help to keep your business competitive in the long term.


A variety of different technologies can be used to generate energy for an industrial company, hospital or local authority.

The choice of technology, in turn, depends on different framework conditions.

These are, for example:

  • Type of useful energy required (electricity, warm water, hot water, steam, cooling, ...)
  • Quantity and time requirement of energy
  • Combination of the various energies
  • Available fuel
  • Requirements for the controllability of the system


Wherever energy is required over a long period of the year, CHP plants (combined heat and power plants) can represent economically interesting options for generating energy through the simultaneous production of heat and electricity.

Technologies for this include steam cogeneration plants, ORC plants, CHP units, gas turbines, micro gas turbines, wood gasifiers with downstream CHP units.


The utilisation of renewable energies is now also economically interesting for industrial companies. eta Energieberatung can also draw on many years of experience in the design, planning and realisation of biomass cogeneration plants. The use of biogas and biomethane as fuel in combined heat and power plants is also an interesting option.


Many companies are now pursuing the goal of realising CO2-free energy supply for their production facilities in the medium term. To achieve this, a concept must be drawn up that includes the use of renewable energies and the utilisation of waste heat. Combined heat and power generation with renewable fuels is a highly efficient way of reducing CO2 emissions.

Optimised system concepts for energy supply help to keep your business competitive in the long term. The investment in this quickly pays for itself.

Andreas Reichel
Head of Industrial Energy Solutions

eta-Experte Herr Reichel - Energieerzeugung und Energieverteilung

Selected projects

We have optimised the energy supply and created supply concepts for these customers.

How can we help you?

We are at your side as a neutral and competent consultant to help you realise your ideas. We provide you with comprehensive advice during your project, offer you objective decision-making aids and support you during the preparation, realisation and operational phases. This results in the greatest possible economic success for you.

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Andreas Reichel

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