Profitability Analyses

The profitability analysis of measures with a relevant level of investment should be carried out as an annual full cost analysis based on VDI 2067. It is helpful to present the full costs over the service life or the amortisation period (often 20 years). Corresponding price increase rates must be taken into account here.

Is a well-founded profitability analysis of interest to me?

When analysing measures to improve efficiency or optimise energy provision, the aim is to objectively and comprehensibly assess whether the proposed improvements are also cost-effective. For a "clean" assessment, all cost items (capital, consumption and operating costs) must be included in the analysis. The cost-effectiveness of the measures examined is assessed on the basis of the static or dynamic amortisation periods.

In many cases, it also makes sense to subject the profitability calculation to a sensitivity analysis. This means analysing how the economic efficiency of a measure changes as a result of varying certain parameters (e.g. energy costs). This gives you a feeling for how sensitively the profitability reacts to certain changes.

What can we do for you?

For all measures we propose to improve efficiency or optimise energy supply, we prepare a profitability calculation based on VDI 2067, so you can see exactly how long it will take to recoup your investment.

Selected projects

We have analysed measures to improve energy efficiency and developed energy concepts for these industrial companies. This has enabled us to significantly reduce energy consumption and noticeably cut energy costs. An important part of our work always includes detailed profitability calculations to evaluate proposed measures and compare different variants.

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Andreas Reichel

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