Determine the carbon footprint of your products and services. The product carbon footprint is a measure of all greenhouse gas emissions that occur during the product life cycle, including direct and indirect emissions. The experts at eta Energieberatung have the tools to systematically determine the carbon footprint.

  • Emission focal points within production are identified, giving you an overview of which areas of your production are particularly climate-relevant and where measures can be amortized quickly.
  • CO2 and energy saving potentials are identified, allowing energy and material consumption to be reduced and operating costs to be lowered
  • Transparency in sustainability aspects and thus a corresponding public impact

Let us help you with your climate goals

We would be happy to create an individual climate concept for you. With our methodology, you can achieve your climate goals faster and more efficiently.

Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Energy Efficiency Expert

Kathrin Merkert

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