Transformation Concepts

You are planning to switch your company's energy supply to renewable energies. As part of the federal funding programme "Energy and Resource Efficiency in the Economy (EEW)", there is a module called "Transformation Concepts". This funding supports companies and local authorities in developing a comprehensive decarbonisation strategy. Attractive funding can be used to draw up a CO2-roadmap and to plan and implement steps to achieve climate neutrality.

Customised transformation concepts

In a globalised world, companies are faced with the challenge of developing effective transformation concepts to optimally supply their production sites in different countries with renewable energy. The selection of suitable locations for renewable energy sources requires a detailed analysis of the country-specific framework conditions.

Factors such as the status and promotion of renewable energies in a particular country are particularly relevant. The structure of the green electricity market, the availability of quality labels or quality certificates for green electricity and the price situation for renewable energies (green electricity and heat, biomethane) play a decisive role. It is also important to identify and evaluate potential suppliers for a sustainable green energy supply.

Customised transformation concepts are required, as every company has unique requirements and goals. A customised concept makes it possible to take local conditions and the specific needs of the company into account. This can include a strategic selection of the best locations for renewable energy, the implementation of efficient technologies or the integration of different energy sources.

Companies that rely on customised transformation concepts not only position themselves as pioneers in terms of sustainability, but also secure a competitive and resource-saving position in their global market environment in the long term. Our expertise helps you to develop customised transformation concepts in order to successfully meet the challenges of the global energy transformation.

Creation of a transformation concept

Our consulting engineers specialising in CO2 optimisation go beyond analysis to ensure that you not only achieve your climate protection goals, but also do so in the fastest and most efficient way possible. We work closely with you to develop a well-founded transformation concept that not only takes into account your individual needs, but also the latest technological developments and industry-specific requirements.

As a concrete basis for action, we will provide you with a detailed CO2 roadmap that shows you transparently how the measures can be implemented. This roadmap not only serves as a roadmap, but also as an instrument for ongoing monitoring and adjustment to ensure that the targets set are continuously and effectively pursued.

In addition, we support you with our expertise and experience not only during concept development, but also during implementation. Our aim is to guide you through the entire process and ensure that the desired changes are not only implemented successfully but also sustainably.


eta Energieberatung GmbH accompanies your company on the path to climate neutrality, starting with the CO2 footprint and the CO2 roadmap through to the implementation of specific measures. This takes the pressure off your operational business and guarantees you the expertise of a specialist. You receive a precise overview of your carbon footprint as well as clear recommendations for action for targeted improvement in the coming years.

With eta Energieberatung GmbH, you have an experienced and competent partner at your side who will implement the measures with the best economic result for you.

A multi-stage concept, the so-called CO2 roadmap, is essential against the background of an efficient use of resources on the way to climate neutrality.

Your path to climate neutrality

Our energy consultants analyse how you can achieve your climate protection goals as quickly and efficiently as possible.

To this end, we create a well-founded concept for you, which we coordinate with you during the development phase. Our concept for realising a CO2-neutral production facility is structured in several stages to ensure the most efficient use of resources.

We will provide you with a concrete CO2 roadmap for the realisation of this concept. Of course, we will also accompany you along the way.

  1. 1
  2. 2
    Determination of the COfootprint
  3. 3
    Development of a climate strategy
  4. 4
    Step-by-step plan with concrete measures
  5. 5
    Creation of savings concepts - our experts have the necessary BAFA authorisations
  6. 6
    Support with energy efficiency, energy generation and energy procurement
  7. 7
    Certification support (initial and follow-up certifications)
  8. 8
    Supporting the implementation of measures, in particular advising on and applying for funding

I have been planning and realising generation plants in large industrial companies for many years. Many of our customers attach great importance to integrating renewable energy sources. In recent years, we have received more and more customer enquiries about concepts for CO2-free energy supply for entire production sites.

Andreas Reichel
Head of the Power Generation and Distribution division

eta-Experte Herr Reichel

Selected projects

We have developed transformation concepts and acquired funding for these companies.

Let us help you with your climate goals

We would be happy to create an individual climate concept for you. With our methodology, you can achieve your climate goals faster and more efficiently.

Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Energy Efficiency Expert

Kathrin Merkert

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