Feasibility Analyses

A feasibility analysis is the examination of the technical/economic realisability of projects. Possible solutions for a project are assessed in terms of their feasibility. These solutions are analysed, the prospects of success are assessed and risks are identified. It is checked whether the agreed project results can be achieved with the solution approach under the given framework conditions. The feasibility study is used in particular to assess the economic risks of a project and to check whether the project objectives are achievable.

What is a feasibility analysis?

A feasibility analysis serves as the basis for deciding whether a project should be realised. It also contains the specifications for how the project should be implemented and provides the framework for the scope of the project.

Why is a feasibility analysis also interesting for me?

You are planning a major technical project and want to know whether the investment is worthwhile. Then it makes sense to have a feasibility analysis carried out in advance. This will tell you whether your project will lead to economic success and which influencing factors will change the profitability.

Such analyses are particularly recommended for energy supply systems. In most cases, different generation variants are compared with each other.

A feasibility analysis is a prerequisite for the right investment decision. The following planning and conceptual steps are worked out here:

  • Compilation of basic principles and technical framework conditions
  • Examination of technical feasibility
  • Obtaining target price quotations for key system components
  • Design of various system concepts taking into account the local conditions (rough dimensioning of the units)
  • Estimating the economic efficiency of the system concepts
  • Sensitivity analysis on the impact of changed energy prices

Example from one of our offers

... The aim of the study offered is to optimise and improve steam generation and steam utilisation in terms of efficiency and cost-effectiveness and consequently to reduce overall energy costs in this area. This is the result of an initial analysis that has already been carried out and presented to you.

As part of this initial analysis, the energy bills and load profile data (electricity and natural gas) were made available to us and analysed by eta Energieberatung. At the joint meeting, we discussed the energy and technical systems and processes at the sites. Based on the findings from the initial analysis, various optimisation approaches were discussed. It became clear that it makes sense to carry out a feasibility study in the area of steam generation and utilisation at one site ...

What can we do for you?

Create planning security before making an investment decision. Our energy experts will prepare a customised feasibility study tailored to your specific requirements.

Selected projects

We have prepared feasibility analyses, expert reports and the like for these industrial companies.

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of biomass heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Matthias Schäfer

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