District Heating Networks

Are you planning a district heating supply or do you want to optimise or expand your existing heating network? Then you should utilise our experience in the design and planning of heating networks. The aims of optimising the operation of heating networks are, for example, to reduce heat losses and auxiliary energy requirements or to improve capacity utilisation.

Heating networks for more efficient heat supply

By setting up local or district heating networks, a large number of heat consumers can be combined. This makes it possible to supply relatively small consumers via centralised, highly efficient heat generation plants. Technologies are available for heat generation that could not be used for individual "small" consumers, or only to a limited extent. These include, for example, combined heat and power generation in the medium and large output range, the utilisation of industrial waste heat, deep geothermal energy and, last but not least, biomass-fired heating plants and combined heat and power plants.

Why is solid planning of heating networks so important?

The total costs of a district heating networks are dominated by the amortisation of the investment costs. It is very important to adapt the structure of the network precisely to the current and future heating requirements through sound planning.

Planning errors have an impact over the entire service life of the heating network of over 30 years.

Josef Lechner
Expert for municipal energy solutions

eta-Experte Josef Lechner


While the generated electricity can be transported to the consumer at low cost via the public electricity grid, which is available everywhere, a pipe network usually has to be set up first to transport the heat. As the construction of district heating networks is cost-intensive, large process and space heating consumers should be located in the immediate vicinity of the power plant or at least commercial space should be available.

Our services also include the planning and realisation of generation plants for the provision of district heating, in particular biomass cogeneration plants.


A major step towards the energy transition could be achieved through the consistent energy-efficient refurbishment of existing buildings. In order to successfully increase the refurbishment rate, a well thought-out integrated energy district concept is required.

Densely built-up residential areas in particular can be supplied more efficiently through shared heating networks than if each property operates its own heating system. District heating networks can also be used to supply urban areas with renewable energy that do not have sufficient space.

Selected projects

In these projects, our experts planned and optimised district heating networks.

Heating networks

Heating networks (local and district heating networks) are usually underground pipelines in which heat is transferred by means of a heat transfer medium. The heat is transported from the heat generator (heat source) to the heat consumer. The flow is cooled by the heat extraction from the consumer. The cooled heat transfer medium then flows back to the heat generator via the return flow, where it is reheated.

Heating networks are an important infrastructure element for a future heat supply and have considerable potential for expansion. Heat networks make it possible to balance heat sources and heat demand in terms of space and time.

How can we help you?

You can discuss your project with our experts at an on-site appointment.

The next steps will vary depending on whether it is a new concept, expansion, conversion or optimisation of an existing heating network. In any case, we will provide you with an initial assessment and a proposal for the next steps.

We will also tell you which funding programs are available to you. It is important to apply for these subsidies before the project begins. A late application usually means that the funding will not be approved.

Get in touch with us!

Let us help you to realize your concepts

We would be happy to help you solving your questions on the use of biomass and on the planning and optimization of biomass heating plants.


We will find the tailor-made solution for you too.


Call me without obligation or write me an e-mail.

Matthias Schäfer

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